12/03/25 In honour of this writer and philosopher from Paris.
In memory of Joan Casanovas i Romaguera
06/02/25 In order to remember him in this fourth anniversary of his passing, the History Museum of Girona has arranged a small display of some of his works at the hall. You can visit it until the beginning of March.
Renovation of the signalling of the Network of Democratic Memory Sites in Girona
05/02/25 The action carried by the City Hall of Girona and the Democratic Memorial, with the coordination of the History Museum of Girona, consisted in the remodelling of the graphic elements of the sites of remembrance of the city, located at the Old Cemetery, the air-raid shelter at Jardí de la Infància and the old prison of the Seminary.
Conference 'From research to the museum: traces of life and recovered histories’
04/02/25 The Network of History Museums and Monuments of Catalonia collaborates with the University of Girona and the Milá Fontanals-CSIC Institution from Barcelona in order to work on the transfer of knowledge, from an academic and scientific scope to the Museum, as well as the improvement in the research, conservation and promotion of the historical and cultural patrimony.
Celebrating the School Day of Non-Violence and Peace
27/01/25 The History Museum of Girona wants to spread the values of democracy and peace, on the School Day of Non-Violence and Peace, with an activity on historical memory for the students of year 4 of the Institute Vicens Vives, from Girona. Thus, on January 30th, the school will participate in the route “Clandestine letters from a man sentenced to death” adapted to secondary education students. This is a tour to the post-war Girona and the setting of the victims of the Franco's repression.
Homage to the houses on the Onyar at Museu d'Història de Girona
21/01/25 The Museu d’Història de Girona is celebrating the 42nd anniversary of the restoration of the houses on the Onyar River by displaying the color chart made by the artist Enric Ansesa at its exhibition room. At the hall, the Museum is also displaying works from its collection depicting these houses before and after the artists Jaume Roca Delpech, Pia Crozet and Josep M. de Pont Pujades worked on their facades.
21/01/25 A debate with all the majors of Girona since its democratic restoration will raise the curtain on the city’s anniversary on January 25th. An exhibition at the Museu d’Història de Girona, a cycle of conferences, a citizen forum and a congress will complete a proposal with the goal to learn about the city’s origins in order to debate and rethink how the Girona of the next century should be.
Merry Christmas and Happy 2025
20/12/24 Special opening hours of the Girona History Museum.
ESPAIS, an artistic phenomenon
17/09/24 Book-catalogue presentation event dedicated to the collection of the Progrup-Espais Fund.
The City Council will remove the Francoist symbols from the old cemetery
18/07/24 Today, the mayor of Girona, Lluc Salellas i Vilar, approved the decree that will allow the dismantling to begin.
21/05/24 The activity is based on the clandestine correspondence written by Josep Turon during his captivity in Girona prison in 1940. On Saturday 25 May, at 11 a.m., Josep Casadellà Turon, grandson of Josep Turon, and Salomó Marquès Sureda, they will drive this new route that takes them to post-war Girona.
Successful attendance at the celebration of Museum Day and Night
20/05/24 The Girona History Museum received 5,323 visitors on Saturday, May 18. And a total of 36.918 during the 9 days of “Girona, temps de Flors”.
The Girona History Museum opens this Sunday an exhibition about the old exhibition space ESPAIS
08/05/24 About 130 works by artists who were active and exhibited in the gallery such as Torres Monsó, Enric Ansesa, Carme Sanglas, Pep Admetlla or Francesca Llopis, among many others, are on display.
"Girona, Temps de Flors" at the Girona History Museum
30/04/24 Free entry and special opening hours.
22/04/24 Sagrera was a professor of Latin and Spanish at the Institute of Girona, being its librarian for more than 20 years.
04/03/24 The aim is to highlight the figure and work of the writer. In Girona, one of the outstanding activities will be Study and Disclosure Days to deepen the different artistic and intellectual facets of the author. In Berga there will be guided tours on various aspects of Aurora Bertrana's life and work.
13/02/24 This morning the donation took place to coincide with World Radio Day and the celebration of the centenary of radio in Catalonia.
02/02/24 They are the first pieces by this artist from Girona that the Girona History Museum is in charge of cataloging and documenting.
17/01/24 A plaque has been placed on Gran Via de Jaume I, in front of what used to be the old Civil Government of the city.
All the pieces in the collection can be consulted in the MuseumPlus program
12/01/24 During 2023, the Girona History Museu m has updated the data of 5,642 pieces within the MuseumPlus management program.
15/09/23 The exhibition has been on view for ten months at the Girona History Museum and is available virtually along with all the documentation of these funds and the program of activities.