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The City Council of Girona names a public space from the neighbourhood of Sant Ponç as Simone de Beauvoir Square

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

In honour of this writer and philosopher from Paris.

The location, situated between Sports Street, Manuel de Pedrolo Street and France Avenue, is a leisure area with a basketball court, a playground and benches. This morning, the Major of Girona, Lluc Salellas i Vilar, and the Deputy Consul General of the French consulate, Raphaëlle Lijour, have inaugurated the square.

“Girona is a feminist city and thus we want to prove it every day. With this gesture, we walk towards a more feminized street nomenclature and our city highlights a historical figure belonging to the international feminist movement who has been key to move towards equality,” declared the major.

“Simone de Beauvoir is a symbol of where we come from and where we want to go: towards a more egalitarian city and world. The fact that, from now on, Girona has a square with her name is a feminist message that we want to claim”, exposed the Alderwoman of Equality and Social Justice from the City Council of Girona, Amy Sabaly Balde.
The act featured also a commentary on the figure of Simone de Beauvoir by the Director of the History Museum of Girona, Sílvia Planas Marcé. During the discovery of the new plaque, there was also the Honorary Consul of France in Girona, François-Xavier Pujol de Salas.
The proposal to name a public space from the city after Simone de Beauvoir was approved by the Commission of Nomenclature of Girona and the Plenary Session. It is a petition conducted by CUP-Crida per Girona [Candidacy of Popular Unity – Call for Girona].

Pictured are the Major of Girona, Lluc Salellas i Vilar; the Deputy Consul General of the French consulate, Raphaëlle Lijour; the Director from the History Museum of Girona, Sílvia Planas Marcé and the Honorary Consul of France in Girona, François-Xavier Pujol de Salas.

[Press release]

  • The City Council of Girona names a public space from the neighbourhood of Sant Ponç as Simone de Beauvoir Square