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ESPAIS, an artistic phenomenon

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Book-catalogue presentation event dedicated to the collection of the Progrup-Espais Fund.

This second volume is dedicated to the Progrup-Espais Fund on the occasion of the exhibition “ESPAIS, an artistic phenomenon. A journey through contemporary art in Catalonia (1987-2010)", which has been curated by the art historian and art critic, Glòria Picazo.

The book-catalogue "ESPAIS, an artistic phenomenon" highlights the relevance of the Espais Foundation for two decades and the importance of its legacy - the art, bibliographic and documentation fund - as well as the publications of an artistic nature that he edited, such as catalogues, books or the magazine Papers d'Art, which form an indispensable set for the exhaustive study and training and dissemination in the history of contemporary art in Catalonia.

The catalogue, which includes texts by Glòria Picazo, Laia Terol, Glòria Bosch, Anna Capella, Carme Ortiz, Joaquim Espuny, Rosa Fraxanet, Marta Pol and Narcís Selles, recalls and makes known the importance of that art center that he acted intensively in the city at the turn of the 20th to the 21st century, and the consistency of his cultural and artistic project is evident.

The exhibition "ESPAIS, an artistic phenomenon", which was the origin of the catalog that is now presented, can be visited in the temporary exhibition rooms and in the permanent spaces of the Museu d'Història de Girona until the 22nd of Septembe

  • ESPAIS, an artistic phenomenon