Monday, May 20, 2024
The Girona History Museum received 5,323 visitors on Saturday, May 18. And a total of 36.918 during the 9 days of “Girona, temps de Flors”
The celebration of Museum Day and Night, on Saturday, May 18, was a complete success, the Girona History Museum received 5,323 visitors.
In addition to the open days from 9:30 a.m. to midnight, an activity linked to the theme chosen by ICOM “Museums for education and research” was organized, the conference “The history of the Consol notebooks. Following the small traces of a time of war” by Gemma Busquets Ros, in the air-raid shelter of the Kindergarten. And together with the rest of the museums grouped in Gironamuseus, the celebration of the Night of the Museums ended with a musical note, the concert by the Valencian composer Àlex Blat, on the terrace.
The weekend was also the last of the great citizen event “Girona, temps de Flors”, the Girona History Museum also participated by exhibiting four floral installations, "The river guarded life", "Peace in the world", "The city beats under our feet" and "The coal plant in bloom" which received a total of 32,292 visits during the 9 days of the exhibition.
The exhibition “Espais, an artistic phenomenon” inaugurated on Sunday, May 12, has received 4,462 visits these days.