Tuesday, January 21, 2025
A debate with all the majors of Girona since its democratic restoration will raise the curtain on the city’s anniversary on January 25th. An exhibition at the Museu d’Història de Girona, a cycle of conferences, a citizen forum and a congress will complete a proposal with the goal to learn about the city’s origins in order to debate and rethink how the Girona of the next century should be.
The major of Girona will commemorate the second millennia of the founding of the city with a program of activities around the motto “Girona, year 2100. Girona, 2100 years old”, with the sight locked on the next century. For more than twelve months, lectures, panel discussions and other activities are planned to face and build the future starting from the city’s past.
2100 ago Girona was founded by the Romans (by Gneu Pompeu Magne, in 76 BC) and, now, the city raises future challenges to make us debate and rethink together how the Girona of the 22nd century should be, the city of 2100. Activities will split in two blocks: a first block focused on the future of the city that will take place from January to March 2025, and a second block with a set of activities to learn about the origins of the city that will be held between fall 2025 and winter 2026.
The starting point from the ephemeris of the anniversary will be a panel discussion with all the majors from the city since its democratic restoration: Lluc Salellas i Vilar; Marta Madrenas i Mir; Carles Puigdemont i Casamajó, Anna Pagans i Gruartmoner, and Joaquim Nadal i Farreras. The event, which the journalists Berta Artigas and Said Sbai will chair, will take place on Saturday, January 25th, at 10:30 a.m., at Auditori de Girona.
After that, there will be the cycle of debates “Girona: Mirada 2100”, which will be coordinated by the geographer Isabel Salamaña and which counts with the collaboration of the Arxiu Municipal de Girona, the City’s Archive. On Thursdays 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th of February, at 6:30 p.m., at the Saló de Descans of Teatre Municipal, several panel discussions will be held to debate about future challenges such as artificial intelligence, education, demographic change or the use of community goods.
A ceremony around the urban area and a citizen forum about the Girona of 2100 will close the first block of activities on March 6th and 28th, respectively.
Regarding the historical point of view of the ephemeris, the exhibition “21 centuries/21 objects” from the Museu d’Història de Girona will look at the origins and development of the city during its 2100 years of history through its rich patrimony. The inauguration of the exhibition will be on October 29th 2025, to coincide with the local fair. It will be available until May 31st 2026.
The Ajuntament de Girona, through the Museu d’Història de Girona, has counted with the collaboration of the Institut d’Estudis Gironins to organize the rest of the activities related to the past of the city. Between fall 2025 and winter 2026, there will be a cycle of conferences, “The foundation of Girona. 2100 years of history”, as well as a series of tours of historical discovery devoted to the Ancient Roman Girona. As a closure of all the activities around “Girona, year 2100. Girona, 2100 years old”, on fall 2026 the Second Millennia Congress of Girona (“Congrés Bimil·lenari de Girona”) will be held at Centre Cultural La Mercè. Soon, more details and information about the exhibition, activities, cycle of conferences and congress will be available.