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Caputxins Fort and powder magazine

The defenses of Girona

Originally a monastery, during the War of the Spanish Succession, in 1707, it was converted into the Caputxins Fort, a new military facility for the city's defence. Previously, this place had been used as a forward defence for the Reina Anna and Conestable Forts in the 17th century.

The first cannon fired during the first siege of the Peninsular War (1808) was fired from this fort. In 1814, when the French troops abandoned the city, they destroyed all the fortifications and blew up the fort. In 1924, the powder magazine was rebuilt, not far from an existing magazine. The two watch towers that are still standing and can be visited also date from this time.

  • The powder magazine in its current state. Pedres de Girona (Fèlix Xunclà)
  • Map of Girona and its surroundings. 1820-1829. Bibliothèque nationale de France (Louis Armand Paulmier).
  • Detail. Map of Girona and its surroundings'. 1820-1829. Bibliothèque nationale de France (Louis Armand Paulmier)
  • Current view of the powder room. Pedres de Girona (Fèlix Xunclà).
  • Plan of the fort of Caputxins. Llegenda: 87, polvorí.
88, el fort. Dibuix de Jordi Pericot i Dilmé.
  • Plan of the fort of 1739. Ministerio de Cultura. Archivos
  • Current aerial view of the Fort of Caputxins area. Ajuntament de Girona. UMAT.