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Motherhoods. A diverse perspective Temporary exhibition

Somnium mater

Motherhood is a territory that women are reconquering, and the new ideas associated with the concept of motherhood are much more assertive, more carnal, more plural, more real.

Contemporary art offers new contents and perceptions and creates a new iconography of motherhood. And it achieves this through works charged with symbolism, very close to the idea of a dream-like state that takes us to a different sensorial reality. Their creators are increasingly women and they engage with themes such as the love and joy –but also the fear– of learning that one is pregnant; the not always idyllic relationship between mothers and their children; or the sometimes uncontrollable desire to experience motherhood.

Elena del Rivero's Letters to the mother –a series that currently runs to more than 5,000 works– is an enormous confessional frieze that evokes the abyssal relationship with her mother. On a sheet of paper with columns consisting of just one word, mother, the artist inscribes the signs that shape her inner struggle and take us deep into her being: rebellion, guilt, accusation, illegality, hurt. The life cut short by female castration, like fingers and tongues metaphorically cut off. NO. The artist expresses the conflict by transfiguring it, bringing it out into the open, creating beauty. The Letters will be filled with empty spaces, needles, slogans, images, patterns, pearls, children's drawings. Or sometimes they will be painted over in black, just with the heading, with the word painstakingly erased by a veil of night and pain. Repetitive, minimalist images, inspired by reading Kafka's Letters to the father: "In you began all the purity of the world and in me began all the filth...". In a manifesto written in 1995, Elena says: "I sometimes wonder why you are so perverse, and believe me, I myself am very much so, yes, yes, yes,... I AM ALWAYS WAITING FOR YOU. Time passes and I keep waiting for you but yes, I cannot help it: I HATE YOU."

Maria Josep Balsach Peig

Letter to the mother
Elena del Rivero
Engraving. Silk-screen print. Series P/A