An exceptional and exhaustive document that collects around thirty witnesses to the Civil War in Gerona, who explain their experiences during the bombings. Unfortunately, in recent years most have already passed on, but we have these interviews to preserve and spread our recent history to new generations.
This is a fragment that includes the interviews with Josep Vicens, Catalina Roig, Paco Torres, Amparo Ribugent, Cinto Paredes, Gori Grandes, Josep Tarrés, Montserrat Dalmau, Francina Boris, Leonarda Masset, Maria Rosa Julià, Maria Vallés, Jaume Teixidor, Enric Mirambell, Josep Lidon, Ramón Feliu, Maria Baulida, Pilar Baulida, Manel Baulida, Enriqueta Baulida and Albert Casellas.
The original version is presented in Catalan with subtitles in Catalan, Spanish, English and French, as well as with Catalan and Spanish sign language, to make it accessible to deaf people and people with hearing loss.
Made by
24 imatges per segon
Interpretation in sign language
Organized by
Museu d'Història de Girona
With support by
Diputació de Girona, Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Xarxa de Museus de les Comarques de Girona
Associació Gironina de Sords