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Women botanical illustrators

Àmbits:Lectura, ciència i humanitats / Patrimoni i museus
From May 9 to September 14, 2025
Location:Museu d'Història de Girona (Sala d'Exposicions)

This exhibition displays the works of female botany scientific illustrators since the 17th century to the present day, revealing the relations between art, science and gender.

The common denominator of the works displayed resides in their aesthetic value, in the artistic sensitivity with which women have represented botany, demonstrating how science can be art, and art can be science. But it also teaches us, through their biographies, how they have been tracing our path to equality.

In parallel, the exhibition intends to show the incidence and importance of the scientific work developed by women in the area of Girona, and to highlight that, often, their absence denotes a presence not only subjugated by the historical interpretative currents, but also by the social (and patriarchal) conventions of all the times.