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Remembering Aurora Bertrana

In the 50th anniversary of her death

Àmbits:Lectura, ciència i humanitats / Patrimoni i museus
This exhibition already closed (29/10/24 - 08/12/24)
Location:Museu d'Història de Girona

At the lobby – reception of the Museum there have been arranged 4 panels with texts and pictures that depict the life and works of Aurora Bertrana. It is an itinerant exhibition produced on 2017 by Generalitat de Catalunya (ILC) and complemented by the Museum with a selection of letters from Aurora Bertrana to Carles Rahola, written and sent between 1931 and 1934, preserved by the Municipal Archive of Girona. There are also three copies of the original edition of her works as well as some contemporary reeditions, all from the Municipal Archive’s and the History Museum of Girona’s collections.

Direction: Institució de les Lletres Catalanes (ILC). Organization: Generalitat de Catalunya - Ajuntament de Girona-Museu d’Història de Girona. With the support of: Diputació de Girona