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Plurals in feminine. Sororities

The exhibition brings together works from the collection, made between 1915 and 2005, which cover different artistic movements of the 20th century, and presents them reread with a gender perspective.

Dia Internacional de la Dona
Àmbits:Arts visuals / Patrimoni i museus
This exhibition already closed (13/03/21 - 09/05/21)
Location:Museu d'Història de Girona

The Girona History Museum presents “Plurals in feminine. Sororities” on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day, on March 8 and proposes a feminist reading of some works in the collection, with the double objective of highlighting their own collection and building innovative and inclusive discourses that allow a review of the stable scopes and the discourses they contain. Reread part of his collection with a gender perspective in this exhibition of works that cover different artistic movements of the 20th century, we will find works by the artists Roser Oliveras, Montserrat Fargas, Mercè Jané, Maria Àngels Feliu, Lídia Masllorens and Begoña Egurbide, and of artists Fidel Aguilar, Paco Torres Monsó, Díez Ramos, Felip Vilà, Rafael Bartolozzi, Rafael Barradas, Eugenio Granell, Manel Molí, Domènec Fita and Enric Marquès.
The exhibition wants to pay tribute to the solidarity between women, the shared gaze and the common experiences that will allow us to build a different, fairer and better world.