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Enric Ansesa integrated into the usual route of the MHG

Àmbits:Arts visuals / Patrimoni i museus
This exhibition already closed (24/01/21 - 07/03/21)
Location:Museu d'Història de Girona

In this exhibition we will find the Signs left by his activity, the traces his actions have left imprinted in our city. That these indicators are not always Ansesa's alone and that they are the result of collaboration with other creative figures is an indication of the nature of this vision of the role that culture should play in our society. At the same time, we would also like to draw attention to a period in our recent history that remanins largely unrecognised. A period in which the social involment of most our homegrown artists was one of the determining factors that enabled Girona to make its entrance into modernity. Some of the signs of this cultural activism are no longer to be found in our city, such as the conceptual actions mounted on the steps of the cathedral and in the town hall square,a mong them the works by Miró, Picasso, Gris and Rousseau reproduced on Carrer Joan Maragall and Carrer Jaume I. Others, like the houses on the Onyar river, where Ansesa and his close friend Faixó, were responsible for the change in the colour scheme, have become icons taht are well known far and wide. This show also includes a gallery of portraits of people all connected with our province, who have a direct relationship with the artist. The exhibition closes with a group of works on the impact of the Spanish Civil War on Girona: a tribute to the people of Girona killed, to the exile and to Walter Benjamin.His works are integrated, in the usual route of the MHG and in the cistern

Curator: Toni Àlvarez de Arana. Direction: Sílvia Planas. Organization and production: Girona City Council. Girona History Museum. With the collaboration of: Girona Provincial Council, Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Bòlit Center for Contemporary Art, Girona House of Culture and Girona Art Museum