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Jardí de la Infància shelter open doors

Every first Sunday of the month, free of charge

Àmbits:Patrimoni i museus / Infantils i familiars
Type:Portes obertes
This activity already ended
Location:Refugi antiaeri
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A new oval-shaped cellular shelter was designed by municipal architect Ricard Giralt Casadesús and built in 1938, with a total underground areaof 584.67 m² that was nearly as big as the gardens above it. The 357.86 m² of useable space (including corridor and steps) could provide protection for over 600 persons. For additional safety in the event of a direct bomb impact, the entire outside surface area was covered with a pyramid-shaped earth mound of about 2 metres high.

Organized by: Girona History Museum. Girona City Council. Collaboration: Girona Provincial Council, Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia. Limited capacity, prior registration is necessary.. Face-to-face activity adapted to current security, prevention and protection measures against COVID-19